Makeup should enhance natural beauty not completely transform it day to day. A good philosophy is, "If a man does not like what you look like in the morning, why would he want to wake up to you every day for the rest of his life?" Sure, it is fun to change your look on occasion, but if you change it everyday, what will be special about you when there is a specific event such as an anniversary or party?
This is the first in a series depicting the adaptation of makeup to create different looks but still be natural. Some of these looks are inspired by couture, runway, and Orlando in general. We have sun, fun, and warm weather, so what can we create to reflect an Orlando style? That will come later in the series. Today is a nice, neutral look with minimal makeup.
- Preparations: Neutrogena moisturizer; Blistex lip balm; Studio Fix Fluid Foundation; Studio Sculpt Concealer; Studio Fix Powder.
- Eyes: Shadow - Yogurt under brow, Malt in inner corner of upper lid to center of lid, Wedge in outer corner and remaining part of the lid, Concrete in crease; Molasses liner in a very thin line on upper lid above lash line; Wedge in inner corner under lower lash line, Concrete in outer corner of lower lash line.
- Cheeks: Studio Fix Fluid Foundation two shades darker than skin tone and normal shade in hollow of cheek.
- Lips: Stripdown lip liner, Curiositease lipstick, Cultured lip glass.
This look is very simple and nice to wear daily. To spice up the color scheme for evenings, just layer the new color over the old, and the definition from the original scheme should add depth to the new color. If you would like to adapt this look using Mary Kay, Avon, Maybelline, or any other brand, you can schedule a consultation to discuss how you can make the most of your makeup and your best colors. Walmart,Target, CVS, and other similar places offer cosmetics at affordable prices.
Unless otherwise stated, all products are from MAC Cosmetics, which can be purchased at the MAC store in Florida Mall and Mall at Millenia as well as some major department stores or online.
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