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Eyelashes & hair extensions contests

The new false eyelash and synthetic clip-in hair extensions store that launched earlier this week is hosting a cover model contest.  The current model is Val Vaughan, who you may remember from previous articles on  False eyelashes is a creative way to enhance any makeup look.  From soft romantic to wild and fun, there are eleven styles from which to select.
Model Submission Guidelines:

  1. Submit headshots in ".jpg" format only with at least FOUR different facial expressions to
  2. Snapshots or professional shots are acceptable.
  3. Submissions without headshots, comp cards, or other photos, will be discarded.
  4. To be fair to all experience levels, links or resumes will not be reviewed.
  5. Please use an appropriate subject line in the email.
  6. Please indicate your age. If you are a minor, your parent or legal guardian must provide consent and communicate with us directly.
Spokesmodel Submission Guidelines:
For spokesmodel consideration in addition to being considered as a cover model, please answer the below questions. Answers can be in short format or paragraph format; however, complete sentences, professional writing, and proper grammar are required. Poor writing skills does not a good spokesmodel make.

  1. why you like false eyelashes; 
  2. why you should be considered for the eyelash spokesmodel opportunity; 
  3. how often you currently wear false lashes; 
  4. how often you would wear false lashes; and
  5. which type of lashes you would be most likely to wear and for what reason (i.e. natural lashes everyday, colorful lashes on weekends, glow-in-the-dark lashes at clubs, etc.).
We are told that those selected as models will win free photo and makeup sessions in the greater Orlando area and appear in online ads, which may be used as tear sheets.  Those who are not located in the greater Orlando area may purchase lashes, photograph themselves, and submit those photos.
If you are not interested in false eyelashes or you prefer hair extensions, there is a contest for that also.  Visit their FaceBook page, look for the status update "What color hair extensions should we carry? Post colors here. Whoever first names the color that ends up with the most votes will win two extensions & possibly a photo & makeup session."  Place your comment in that update.
Stay tuned for more details!