Still on a quest to find the most creative minds of the beauty industry in Orlando... It has been the start of a long journey, and we have had no luck. Orlandoans seem to be less creative and more settled into standard beauty and bridal styles. We are looking for artists who use their minds and vision rather than rely on props, lighting, and models. Most of the artists who have submitted works for review or feature have stayed within their comfort zones and have only used models with traditional model shaped faces and between the ages of 18-25. If artists can only work with younger women, why should we trust them to work with us in our 30s and 40s? Are they able to make us beautiful when we are older? Can they help us enhance our features without fancy lighting or interesting props? Another area where Orlando makeup artists fail is their understanding of business. Yes, they can network, but no, many of them do not know how to follow directions, how to promote their crafts, how to treat others with respect, or how to be anything more than "airheads." No, not all Orlando makeup artists are like this, but many of them are. Perhaps it can be traced to being right brained - the more creative, artistic side. Then again, if it was a matter of being right brained, then their work product would demonstrate more creativity. Needless to say, if you think you possess all of the traits and characteristics of a creative, aspiring or successful makeup artist in Orlando, we would love to see your work.