To celebrate this launch, Xenia Vorotova is having a contest, which is posted on her blog ( All you have to do is write a continuation to the below story spotlighting one of the new colors. Post it in the comments at then three winners will selected on 03/06/2011, and their stories will be posted to their site.
Lime Crime is not currently offered in Orlando, but maybe that will change soon. Their lipsticks are superb against the Orlando weather.
"It was a typical city morning. Citizens grappled for their first cups of coffee, buses sighed and hissed from stop to stop, and pigeons discussed the latest street fashions. Even against this familiar murmur, Becky knew something was different. She opened her eyes, then her window, and from the height of her 8th floor apartment she saw…"
This is a mobile transmitted posting. Please excuse brevity, typos, or abbreviations.
##lime crime makeup, ##highly pigmented cosmetics, #Orlando makeup artist, ##product launches